Photo of the interior of Roberta's Pizza in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

Roberta's Pizza: Art Community Branding

Project Leader
Deena Shaqinah
Project Status
Project Gallery
Context and problems

Roberta’s Pizza was founded by artist and deejay Brandon Hoy in New York. It owes its success not to just only to good food but its ability to harness the spirit of the Arts Community in New York, which has been long grounded in street culture. Since its inception, the restaurant has expanded in various parts of the US and now in Asia, starting with Singapore. 

Despite doing well financially, the sterile commercial environment of Singapore and its current location at Marina Bay Sands has obstructed Roberta’s Pizza from recreating its brand roots.

The original project deliverables find that Roberta’s Pizza is fast expanding its number of outlets in Singapore and other parts of Asia and aims to develop an arts community programme that can be integrated with the needs of its business and its brand origins. Their objective is to create and launch a community programme plan that can be launched at Roberta’s Pizza or offsite in the future, including a social media campaign. 

However, with further development and research, the group discovered that in order to launch a successful community programme plan in the future, Roberta’s Pizza will need to engage, establish and ascertain itself within the Singapore Arts Community. Hence, primarily focusing on a social media campaign to increase brand awareness and develop a connection with the community will be the first phase of launching the community programme plan.

Team Members and Roles

In Alphabetical Order:

Christina Cai

  • Assist Social Media Deliverables
  • Researcher – Social Media Content Categories

Deena Shaqinah

  • Co-Team Leader: Archival and Documentation
  • Editor

Devinya A Nathaan

  • Researcher – Social Media Case Studies and ChatGPT
  • In-Charge of Social Media Deliverables

Ni Molin 

  • Co-Team Leader: Client Liason
  • Researcher – Contextual and Creative Research Approach and ChatGPT

Teo Li Lin

  • Client Liason
  • Overall Design of Presentation Decks
  • Researcher


Key Goals and Objectives

Key Goals

To jumpstart the arts community programme by strengthening Roberta’s Pizza by engaging, establishing and ascertaining a place within the arts community through social media, creating brand recognition and awareness. 


Key Objectives

To strengthen Roberta’s Pizza’s social media presence by creating the following:

  • Social Media Persona
  • ChatGPT Prompts
  • Content Categories
  • Social Media Calendar
Project Timeline

Phase 1: Research and Conceptualisation

20 January 2023: Group and Project Allocations

  • Group Discussions and Brainstorming of Ideas from the brief and deliverables requested from Roberta’s


01 February 2023: Initial Meeting with Kenneth (Industry Partner) and Site Recce at Roberta’s at Marina Bay Sands

  • Discussion on Project Brief and Deliverables with Industry Partner
  • Site Recce to clarify assets within Roberta’s Pizza


02 - 19 February 2023: Research and Ideation Period for First Pitch


20 February 2023: First Pitch to Industry Partner


Phase 2: Continued Social Media Research Planning and Development

21 February - 05  March 2023:
Continued Development of Project Deliverables Period and Meetings with Academic Advisor on Deliverables


06 March 2023: Group Meeting with Industry Partners

  • Clarifying pitch deliverables to Kenneth from Wasuka and Andi from Roberta’s Pizza
  • Receiving feedback from and adjusting deliverables accordingly


Phase 3: Finalised Social Media Deliverables and Feedback

3 April 2023:  Final Meeting with Pheonix Fry

  • Feedback on the presentation deck
  • Group reflections on the project


4 April - 9  April: Final Adjustments on Submission Decks

  • Finalising of Proposal and Presentation Deck
  • Updating on EduProfile

9 April 2023: Final Submission

  • Submission of proposal and presentation deck
  • Submission of EduProfile


10 April 2023: Final Presentation

  • Presentation on Project Deliverables
    • Social Media Persona
    • ChatGPT Prompts
    • Content Categories
    • Social Media Calendar
Project Methodologies

Meetings with Kenneth from Wasuka and Andi from Robeta’s Pizza

To understand the concerns, requirements and goals of two stakeholders and clarify any relevant questions and feedback from the project. 


Site-Recce and Asset Review

To further understand the product and brand we represent and to uncover deeper insight into their assets and brand history. 


Case Studies

The team researched and used several F&B social media platforms as case studies.

These case studies provided a foundation to understand how F&B outlets engage with their audience via their content on social media. Some accounts we used were:

  • Roberta’s Pizza (US Branch)
  • Wendy
  • McDonald’s
  • Pizza Hut


Creative Research Approach – Audience Segmentation

To create a relatable and believable social media persona, the group used Audience Segmentation to ensure better and increased communication and engagement with the Arts Community. With Audience Segmentation, we recognise the limitations and general traits of the target audience. 


Utilising an MBTI Personality Test alongside Audience Segmentation will further enhance the complex personality to ensure that it is not one-dimensional. In turn, the traits may be translated into Chat GPT via prompts.


Project Research Insights

During our desk research, we found that the National Arts Council (NAC) describes the arts community in Singapore as Visual Arts, Performing Arts (Buskin, Dance, Music, Theatre, Traditional Arts) and Literary Arts. However, NAC overlooks to include those who participate as audience members and those who work behind the scenes, such as Producers, Crews, and Sponsors and Donors. 

A way for the F&B Industry to engage with the arts community will be through the role of a Sponsor and Donor. In doing so, they can:

  • Engage the community by providing a venue and space to showcase works and publicity for arts events
  • Providing Financial Support or Catering Services for Events and Festival
  • Monetary Support for the Arts by donations to arts organisations or setting up awards or scholarships

As a Producer and Curators

  • Commissions to create pieces within their space for a limited run to allow their works to be seen
  • Produced Programming that will allow programmes to be a part and asset to their business


Although our client’s original deliverables were to create an arts community programme, the group and industry partners concluded that such a programme would require work on their brand identity and value. Doing so will ensure that a Roberta’s Pizza produced programme will enhance and heighten its standing within the Singapore Arts Community. Furthermore, it will create value for an artist’s portfolio in the long run. 

Hence, we focused on strengthening Roberta’s Pizza’s social media presence and recognition within the community by creating a social media persona as the first phase of this long-term project. 

The persona creation, with the support of MBTI test results, will attract consumers by allowing it to have a set of human characteristics and personality associated with the brand which is similar to their own.

Project Vision and Expected Outcomes

Project Vision

Enhancing Roberta’s Pizza's social media presence will enable the company to reach out to the Arts Community by establishing itself as a hub for the community.


Expected Outcomes

Creating awareness and recognition with the community first will benefit Roberta’s as it will be easier for Roberta’s to launch a successful arts campaign community plan in the future.

Project Deliverables and Outputs

The group will deliver the following:

  • Social Media Persona
  • ChatGPT Prompts
  • Content Categories
  • Social Media Calender

The creation of a social media persona and utilising ChatGPT to create prompts, Roberta's Pizza may use this as a guideline that will ensure that any individual withing the company can easily produce content. 

Creating content categories and a social media calendar will give Roberta’s Pizza a template to upkeep the social media accounts and to further and create continued engagement with the community.


SWOT analysis


  • Decent Customer Base

  • Quality and Unique Food

  • Competitive Price in Marina Bay Sandy F&B Market



  • Public perception of the brand

  • Lack of connection to the arts community

  • Potential Patrons are mainly tourists; due to the location at Marina Bay Sands



  • Location

  • Resources and Connections with well establish connections (Eg: Wasuka)



  • Low Social Media Presence

  • Mobility of other F&B branches - for delivery or catering possibilities.